Master of Educational Psychology

Programme Details

  • Programme Description
  • Requirements
  • Intakes
  • Duration
  • Objectives
  • Career Prospects

Programme Description Details

This is a two year- modular programme designed for students of educational psychology to equip them with knowledge and skills on over-all principles, methods, theories, and related research in educational psychology. These practical areas of psychology embrace constructs from cognitive, environmental, developmental, social, special needs education, human learning and Counselling psychology as applied to education. This programme also addresses areas such as research methods, curricula design and management of ICT.

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Admission Requirements

A Bachelor’s degree in Education (second class and above) or its equivalent from a recognised University. Applicants with lower qualifications must satisfy the Senate that they have acquired academic growth by evidence of research and publications.

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This course has three modules in each year i.e. Trinity, May and Advent intakes 

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Duration of the Programme

The Programme is offered for a minimum of two years and a maximum of five years. It will be done by coursework and research.  Coursework will be done in first five modules and the sixth module is for data collection and writing the thesis.  Each module has three core courses.

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